Import CausalEGM as:

import CausalEGM as cegm

We provide the causal models (cegm.causalEGM.*) for implementing a causal inferece model. Besides, we host some published datasets (cegm.util.*) that are useful for benchmarking and testing models.


causalEGM.CausalEGM(params[, timestamp, ...])

Implementation of the CausalEGM model.

causalEGM.VariationalCausalEGM(params[, ...])

Implementation of the variational CausalEGM model.


util.Base_sampler(x, y, v[, batch_size, ...])

Base data sampler.

util.Sim_Hirano_Imbens_sampler([batch_size, ...])

Hirano Imbens simulation dataset (continuous treatment) sampler (inherited from Base_sampler).

util.Sim_Sun_sampler(batch_size[, N, v_dim, ...])

Sun simulation dataset (continuous treatment) sampler (inherited from Base_sampler).

util.Sim_Colangelo_sampler([batch_size, N, ...])

Colangelo simulation dataset (continuous treatment) sampler (inherited from Base_sampler).

util.Semi_Twins_sampler([batch_size, seed, path])

Twins semi synthetic dataset sampler (inherited from Base_sampler).

util.Semi_acic_sampler([batch_size, path, ufid])

ACIC 2018 competition dataset (binary treatment) sampler (inherited from Base_sampler).